Discounted Consultation

We can help you whether you want to rethink your home, your office, or your business! Bea is a WELL Building Standard Accredited Professional. Eric is a LEED Accredited Professional: Together, we can help you envisioning and prioritizing your goals for the environments you love. 2020 challenged everybody in many ways: Those who could work from home often felt prisoners of their spaces, thinking of all the improvements that could be made. Those working in the field suddenly felt unsafe and uncertain in previously welcoming workplaces.

Fisher ARCHitecture is a proud Small (yet mighty) Business, now offering discounted consultations, in person or via Zoom, to those that contact us before the end of January 2021. Schedule your discounted meeting with us for only $100/hour (instead of $150) by contacting either Eric ( or Bea (

We look forward to starting the New Year with renovated energy and hope.

Happy Holidays and Stay Safe!